Word of the Day

Monday, December 5, 2011

Make Me Laugh, Make Me Laugh, Make Me Laugh!!

Today in Lubbock, Texas, it snowed! And will be snowing for the next few days! Now to some, this is a laughable concept!

Although not creative. For this Word Joust, I want you to make me laugh! Your topic is Snow! It can be a rhyme, a pun, a picture, a limerick, a song, a story, an ironic sentence or a couplet; anything that is related to snow and will make me laugh! Extra points will be rewarded to those that I laugh out loud at!
This game will probably be extended through the holidays because I know everyone will be busy. Keep that in mind when you are posting and don't feel rushed. Enjoy your holidays, and Happy Jousting!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Turkey Day

I'm going to make this game simple. (At least I think it's simple. :) What I want you to do is write some lymericks about Thanksgiving.
The rhyme pattern should be: (Just in case you don't know.) :)
Last words of first two lines should rhyme.
Last words of next two lines should rhyme. (these lines are typically shorter)
Last word of last line should rhyme with the last words of the first two lines.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Halloween Haitus

Happy Halloween! For this game, I want you guys to come up with clever Halloween costumes!! They can be punny, rhyming, or just down right funny! A couple of examples:
Being the Rogers family, my husband and I are going as "Jolly Rogers" dressing up like pirates. Mediocre humor, you can do better than this!!!
Two years ago, I wore a shirt that said "Go Ceilings!" and I was a ceiling fan, and my friend put a black box on his back and went as a refrigerator magnet.

I hope this has got your brain flowing!!! Happy Halloween, and happy jousting!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Captain Caption

Caption contests are fun, but I can't allow something as simple as a one line caption for a contest as historically hilarious as Word Joust! No! You must write the caption to this picture as a song name and the first line of the chorus. This song must be made up by you yourself. As always points for hilarity. Also I'll add points for alliteration and onomatopoeia. Happy Jousting!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Old Geezer

When I was traveling through Nevada recently, we stopped at a gas station and I saw a book that gave rules for how to be an "Old Geezer". I can't remember the rules they gave. Your task is to write some rules for being an "Old Geezer". Write at least 5, but you can have more than one entry of 5. You can write them in poem form, or even set them to music if you like. Don't be an "Old Geezer"....start writing! :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Well, I don't really have a reason for this game. I just felt like it. On that note, your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write an acronym. Doesn't matter what it's about. Points for hilarity, creativity, and alliteration. Happy Jousting!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


There's a show on some TV channel called, "My Strange Addiction".  I've never watched it, but Comcast had a video clip on their front page about it, about a woman whose strange addiction is eating rocks.  In the video it shows her eating rocks and she says how satisfying it is and how she doesn't know how she could ever not eat rocks.  Her son was also on the video clip saying how disturbed he is because his mother eats rocks. 

Your challenge for our next Word Joust game is to come up with a Strange Addiction.  This doesn't have to be an eating addiction, but can be an addiction of any kind.  You may write your entry in any way you wish: like a news story, a commercial for a TV show, a poem, limerick, joke, etc, etc.  Use your imagination! 

Happy Jousting!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Since the country's finances are all in a big, tangled mess, the new Word Joust challenge is to write a tongue twister about what to do about them, and you may choose to just wring your hands or pray. Anything will undoubtedly be better than what congress comes up with. :0s I hope you have more luck than our politicians are having!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

It's time to channel your inner Irish Medium and think ahead to the end of summer, as though it has already happened! Your challenge is to write a Limerick on the subject of this post's Title, "What I Did on My Summer Vacation." Bonus points for difficult rhymes and literary devices (alliteration, anthropomorphism, etc.). I will end this one next week, so for those traveling on family trips, this COULD be the last completed challenge for awhile, so go ALL OUT!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Standing in Line

Summertime is a great time for family reunions! My own family is having one soon. In honor of this time of year, your job is to come up with four one-line statements about your family's reunion. As usual, creativity and humor is encouraged! As the judge, I also love alliteration, puns, and rhyming!!


The candy cannon creates a cacophony of cheerful cries!!
We think he's insane for not using a cane.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Those of you who have ever read Boy's Life know about Tom Swifties. It is when Tom says something, and then the verb you use instead of "said" is something that makes it funny. Or you can use it with said.
Your assignment is to come up with a half dozen Tom Swifties.
Here is my example: "The electricity is out!" Tom said darkly.
As usual, creativity counts for everything.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


We just happen to be in San Antonio right now and will be here until Friday.  :0)  (Btw, I heard Sam is here - or was, not sure if she still is - on her honeymoon!) Anyway, we went to the Alamo this morning and I got a chuckle out of a quote by Davy Crockett.  The story goes that Davy Crockett ran for a seat in congress from Tennessee in 1835.  He said to the people in his district that if he lost, "You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas".  He did lose, and a year later he went to Texas and died in the battle at the Alamo.

For our next Word Joust Game, you must create a situation and then come up with a quote.  Get creative and make it one that might go down in history!!! :0)  Happy Jousting!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Okay, the Rapture came and went and everyone is still here except that the media can't find the man who predicted it all. Maybe he is hiding because he is embarrassed and disappointed? Maybe he took all that money that his followers were all giving away and bought him an island in Tahiti? Or maybe he was the only one who did get raptured?
At any rate, there are a lot of disappointed people out there who had to go to work today, unless they quit their job. :0s
So your Word Joust assignment is to find just the right word to describe what it feels like to expect to be Raptured, and then find out you weren't.
Here are the rules: You cannot use the word rapture, or any form of it. You cannot use a word that already exists, but you can take parts of words and combine them to make a new word.
As always, extra points for creativity! Good luck.....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Give me your pie

For this game, I would like to try something new, a cross between an anagram and, well I'm not sure. What you need to do is to pick a movie, book, or famous person quote or whatever and change each word in order. The catch? The word you use as replacement must rhyme with the word being replaced. Sound confusing? That's because I'm trying to explain it. :) So I'll use an example.

Sentence before meddling:
Live free or die

Sentence after meddling:
Give me your pie

The new sentence must make sense.
Please use an original sentence that is at least six words long.
The new sentence does not have to do anything with the original. Bonus points if it does.
No slant rhymes. Perfection is required. (But no one is perfect so I'll try not to be too picky.)
No bribes accepted, though I wouldn't mind a pie.
Post the original quote/phrase and then your "translation".

Any questions? May the best person win.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I've just finished reading the first book of the second Heroes of Olympus series, by Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson was the first series). While reading them, I've realized that however fascinating or not their stories are, they have WAY too many monsters, and even more ridiculous names and attributes for them. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make up a new monster: including name and attributes. Points for ridiculousness, relation to modern life, plays on words, or (pardon my bias here) coolness. Also, as always, extra points for making me laugh. Happy Jousting!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This tree in my backyard is what I see when I look out my office window.  It is so full of blossoms, that when you walk under it, you hear a "humming".  The "humming" is hundreds of bees that are busy sucking the pollen out of all the blossosms.  This reminded me of the children's, "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree".  For our new Word Joust Game, I want you to tell me what YOU see when you look out your window.  Of course we are going for humor and creativity here, so you really don't have to see what you write - more important, just be creative.  If you would like, you can follow the pattern of the song below, or just make up something yourself.  Doesn't have to be in song format.  Happy Jousting!
I looked out the window and what did I see?
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree.
Spring has brought me such a nice surprise!
Blossoms popping right before my eyes!
I can take an armful and make a treat -
A popcorn ball that will smell so sweet.
It wasn't really so, but it seemed to me,
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Card Writers

Recently I have been frequenting the card aisle at the store. I've bought Valentine's cards, birthday cards, etc. Sometimes I start laughing, and even laugh until I cry. As a follow up to the last game, and our long winter, I would like you to cheer us all up. Your assignment for this game is to choose one of the following pictures and write the text for a card that features the photo. In your entry, please write the letter of the picture you chose to use. You can decide the occasion for the card you make. For example, it could be a birthday card, or a St. Patrick's day card, or a sympathy card, or any other "card occasion". The winner's entry will be featured on this blog as a photo card. :D Don't ask me why I chose all old ladies.... lol I don't know, I just thought they would make good cards. :) Obviously I'm looking for a humorous caption.


CARD B (tribute to our ex-governor :)



Monday, February 21, 2011


We can't trust that ground hog to get rid of winter, and the month of February has been somewhat on the nasty side. So your challenge is to bring in March by giving winter its MARCHing orders. Creativity counts for everything!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

That's No Excuse!

Tomorrow is Parent / Teacher conferences at our Middle School, with conferences for the High School on Monday (yes, conferences on Valentine's Day!). One of the issues I will deal with on both of these days is students who never turn in their homework! Luckily, I have never had a student use the dog-ate-my-homework excuse. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to come up with THE BEST EXCUSE EVER for not turning in homework. If I have ever heard it, you will be instantly disqualified, so be creative! Bonus points go to excuses that are plausible, believable, yet still amazingly crazy! And I will be docking points for poor spelling, grammar, or punctuation! Happy Jousting!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The Beach Boys are probably the greatest song writers when it comes to writing songs about cars.  They have written songs called: "Little Deuce Coupe", "Little Honda", "In My Car", "Car Crazy Cutie", "Honkin' Down the Highway", to name a few.  The title of this game is from "Little Deuce Coupe".  The lyrics are: "Little Deuce Coupe, You don't know what I've got" (that's from the chorus). 

After we got home from Ireland we had to go buy a new car.  We bought a new Ford F150 pickup.  I love it!  One of my favorite things that I am particularly enjoying this winter is the heated front seats.  The seats will heat up before the heater even gets warm!  The other day I was driving along with my heated seats, listening to my Harry Potter CD and really loving my truck.  Which brings me to our New Game! 

So Jousters, for this game  I want you to design (in words) a new car or a new truck, or even a new SUV.  Tell me what kind of special features YOU would invent to go in or on your new vehicle!  Are there any features cars have now that you could improve on?  Anything goes, so happy designing! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Does That Make Me Crazy!?

Everyone has things that drive them crazy; Traffic, people, the neighbors annoying howling pets. In this game, you will identify the things that drive you crazy, then come up with a solution for them. Be creative, but be nice! For example, if a very annoying, talkative person drives you crazy, killing them is not an acceptable solution! A more creative solution would be to give them a gift of chocolate covered peanut butter cookies, with a little honey mixed in the peanut butter, to keep their mouth glued shut. Not the best of examples, but you get the idea. Happy Jousting!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


It's a new year, and time for new resolutions..no, no, not yours. These are for other people. Since it is now 2011, make a list of 11 resolutions you'd like other people to carry out in the coming year. One rule: no personal names, although celebrities and politicians are fair game.