Word of the Day

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Round 7: Anagram Time!

Let's do another anagram! We'll follow the rules from Mr. Giggles' round. Bonus points for knowing where it comes from. (Please do not search for the answer. Use what your mind tells you.) (Oh, and it has no reference to how I feel about anyone. It was short and precedes a favorite line of mine in a favorite scene.)

Neighbors, you are tedious.

Hint: "...but truly, for mine own part, if I were as tedious as a king, I could find in my heart to bestow it all of your worship."


  1. I have no idea where that quote is from. :0s

    This is my first attempt, maybe I can come up with a better one later. I did use all the letters.
    "A rogue in the rodeo is busy."

  2. One more, using all the letters: Eight nobodies rue our say.

  3. And can I say that it feels weird to post a comment here and then instantly get a pop-up saying you have an e-mail from yourself? :0)

  4. I guess I should clarify on what you can do to figure out where it is from. Whatever you do, do not search the quote on the internet. You'll find it too quickly and that is cheating. :) If you have an idea of where it might be from, then feel free to look through books, ask friends, etc.

  5. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING! Michael Keaton played that part BRILLIANTLY in the Kenneth Branaugh movie!!!!!! "And let the record show that I am an A**."

    And now for my anagram, using ALl the letters.... This could be a line from the bastard prince (maybe, in a way, esp. since it was played by Kianu Reeves--blah):

    "I best see a hug in your door."

  6. Sorry, I too looked it up. No smart friends and I don't read much Shakespeare:

    I, Dogberry use it on a house.

  7. Hey, I didn't look it up! As soon as I read the hint, I knew what it was. that is one of my favorite Shakespeare movies! That and Henry V. Much Ado About Nothing was made when Branaugh and Emma Thompson were still married. Brilliant pair. Denzel Washington as the Prince was a stretch, but Kianu Reeves as his illigitimate brother? Please. As I mentioned, though, Michael Keaton's performance was inspired!

  8. And technically, the "hug" was supposed to be in the window, where the groom-to-be could see it and mistake his fiance's maid as her mistress, so it would look like she was being unfaithful to him. Poor Hero. Need more proof?

  9. And one more thing, Inklings mentions email notices. How do I get those from my own blog? I get them from this one, but not mine....

  10. Mr. Giggles, you need to go in to your settings and go to the comment section. Scroll down and you will see something about email notifications. You put your email there. I put in some of the players emails on the one for this blog, but not all players. If you aren't getting the comment notifications and you want them, just let me know. :)

  11. I'm one letter short, but it's all I could come up with. lol

    Oh tides, you are boring us.

  12. I would use word interchange and say,
    Are you tedious neighbors?

  13. Okay, 2 more and then I quit. :0) The most grammatical, but nothing to do with the theme, is "Honey," I brag, "See our studio?" (Used all the letters.) but my favorite...and I had to choose using all the letters over being grammatical...is TRUE HIDEOUS IS A GORY BONE. (Of a tedious neighbor) :0)

  14. I swore I left my answer on a comment, but when I got back on it was gone, so I'll post it again:


  15. Wow. Normally, I hate making decisions but you all made it even worse! Great job!

    That said, I think I will have to go with Mr. Giggles. Not only did he have a good anagram, but he also recognized that quote and why I love it so much (Michael Keaton was brilliant).

    Close runner-ups were Twist's Tales and Inklings "rodeo".
