Word of the Day

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Limerick: In Honor of Nene's Homecoming :)

In honor of Nene moving home from Ireland, I want to do another limerick. I might note that she has had difficulty getting a flight out of Ireland because of volcanic ash blowing from Iceland. Please finish the following limerick. Remember we are keeping this clean! ;)

There once was a traveler named Nene.....

Friday, April 9, 2010

How Are We Feeling Today?

Okay, I will spare you the specifics and the details, but I am suffering from a stomach flu that has had hold of me for two days now. I went over 30 hours with no solid food, and limited liquids. I have been feverish and aching throughout the day and night. Tonight, after around 36 hours with nothing more solid than "Go-gurt," I ate dinner--pizza, and cheese-sticks, with root-beer
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to come up with a fictional word that describes exactly how I feel after this dinner. I will give you only one hint: it ain't good. And I'm still feeling it a couple of hours later.
The winner will be the person who comes closest to the sound being made in my head as I write this! Use your imagination, but don't gross yourself out in the process! We don't need more of us feeling this way...